Monday, January 17, 2011

In the Blink of an Eye

Just in a blink of an eye.......all can change ever so quickly. Gary's brother, Bob, passed away 2 days before Christmas. My heart breaks for Mom C, losing her first born, and for Jeni, now alone. My heart wants to "fix"the heartaches of our loved ones, but most often that is not something possible to do. We grow, learn, stretch, become stronger, and become more like Him who created us through the difiicult times we go thru. Still my heart aches to see them go thru this devasting time. We stand strong in our faith in God, not always understanding His ways, but believing He is in control of all things & has a perfect plan. He is the way, the truth and the life....we can rest in His perfect peace knowing He is the Healer of the brokenhearted and will one day reunite us all with the loved ones gone on before us. For this we are grateful.

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