Tuesday, June 4, 2013

LOVE the Pacific Northwest!!

Spending the second week in Seattle with my daughter. 
Awesome update since last blogged.....God has seen her thru her pregnancy and we are at the end of the prenancy adventure and about to embark on the baby adventure of this journey!!! Soooo excited!! She was airlifted a few weeks ago from home to Seattle-but all is well.  She just has to remain here the last 6 weeks of her pregnancy, so several of us have been taking turns staying with her as her husband can only come on weekends til school is out. I have been priviledged to go to a couple of her appointments....got to see the ultra sound...and a 3D ultra sound.  Grandbaby was playing with her toes and putting her fingers in her mouth! Very awesome to be a part of this journey.  C-section scheduled for the 19th of June-if she makes it that far!

Seattle is so beautiful right now....the flowers are gorgeous and weather has been great...not much rain since I have been here but have enjoyed cloudy/sunny days!  Love living in the Pacific Northwest.  Such a variety of landscape and weather!  Thankful this is where my family landed in the 50's!!

Still working on my goals...and making great progress in each.  Some slower than others but I am not in a hurry, so all is well!!  One goal I set for myself was to lose weight this year..I procastinated  and procastinated.  Wanted to lose but wasn't willing to take that initial step forward.  Finally with a HUGE push from my son-in-law, I was pretty much shoved off the edge and began that journey of my life!!  That was in the beginning of March...have lost 50 pounds so far!  Feel sooo much better and looking forward to seeing the goal accomplished...with a new life style of eating habits!!!  Only want to go forward...do NOT want to see those pounds ever again!!

I am ever so greatful for all God has seen our family thru ...many have been praying for our daughter, her family and this new little one about to come into our life.  Much heartfelt thanks to each of you for your continued prayerful supplications to our Lord! All glory to Him!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 2013

Happy New Year....a bit late but non-the-less...may God bless you in this year ahead.  My goal setting last year went really well!!Continuing on in the card making/sending goal...continues to be fun both to make & let someone know we are thinking of them.  My other goals have gone really well also-other than my blogging monthly...not accomplished to the end yet, but all works in progress!! My "secret" goal also is moving forward!!

We are expecting a grandchild....a precious little girl! Our daughter is expecting again after experiencing many losses, and she is almost 24 weeks along!  God has kept His hand upon both mommy & baby-things are progressing along very well!. Lisa needed surgery a few weeks ago to keep little Amarisa Marie hidden away as snug as a bug til the time is right to make her appearance!  All is going great.  We are continuing to pray she stays put as long as possible.  She is healthy & growing as drs want. She is due in June!  God is great! 

Oh how I appreciate running water and sewer sytems!!!!  Our septic tank quit working last weekend...how quickly we take things for granted until something does not work right.  Flooding floors, backed -up tubs, a yard all dug up and small amounts of water to be used until working again. Fortunately, after pumping, STILL not working and snaking out the lines, we are back to normal. Well, almost!!!  The tank is very old and has a super large lid-which fell in.  So this weekend my sweet hubby will be trying to pull that out and close up the gaping hole! He has three projects now going in the yard.  All of which involve large, long gaping holes in our pretty yard! The grass WILL grow again!!

Spring has sprung early for us this year.  Flowers, weeds, roses are sprouting, budding & blooming.  Way too early for us in this area.....worried about my flowering trees and the fruit trees in our area.  Too early to bud out for sure! "Yard work break" is coming to a grinding halt!  Happy Spring everyone!!